Αυτά που μας κρύβουν οι ψεύτες της κυβέρνησης…ΝΕΑ ΜΕΤΡΑ..

Διαβάστε τι προβλέπει η έκθεση της τρόικα στην σελίδα 11..

20. Additional measures are needed to close projected gaps in 2015–16, reflecting the ambitious medium-term targets to restore debt sustainability (MEFP ¶5).
Preliminary staff estimates indicate a gap of around 1 percent of GDP in 2015 relative to the primary surplus target of 3 percent of GDP—the projected pickup in revenues with the cycle is, in staff’s view, insufficient to deliver the targeted increase in the primary surplus.
Moreover, expiring measures add to the gap. If the 2015 gap were to be closed with permanent measures, there would be a further gap of around ¾ percent of GDP in 2016 relative to the 4.5 percent of GDP target. But the authorities estimate smaller gaps, given more optimistic projections of tax administrative gains. They and staff agreed to re-visit the projections at the time of the 2015 budget preparations.
Nevertheless, the authorities reaffirmed their commitment to implement the necessary policies to achieve the fiscal targets, including by extending expiring measures as needed.
