Οι Γερμανοί του κ. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΟΥ και οι Αμερικανοί του κ. ΠΑΠΑΝΔΡΕΟΥ έχουν «αναγνωρίσει» μια ‘Νέα Δημοκρατία’
Γράφει ο ΑΝΤΙ300
Αν και η
«αναγνώριση» είναι μέσα από ΚΑΤΑΔΙΚΑΣΤΙΚΕΣ
ΑΠΟΦΑΣΕΙΣ στην Αμερική για σωρεία
εγκληματικών πράξεων δωροδοκιών και
απάτης, παρόλα αυτά δεν παύει να είναι
μία «παράνομη αναγνώριση των παρανομιών
της «ΝΕΑΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ» των Σκοπίων.
ρόλο στην απάτη και τα εγκλήματα για τα
οποία τους καταδικάζει με απόφασης του
Αμερικανικού Ομοσπονδιακού Δικαστηρίου,
έχουν οι «γνωστοί» μας Γερμανοί DEUTSCHE
φίλοι των παραπάνω Γερμανοτσολιάδων
τώρα και στα Σκόπια.
Γερμανική εταιρεία DEUTSCHE
με την θυγατρική της Magyar
Telekom είναι ο
μεγαλομέτοχος του οργανισμού
τηλεπικοινωνιών των Σκοπίων “MakTel”,
κατά τους Γερμανούς και Αμερικανούς
αλλά και για κάποιους Έλληνες… «Δημοκρατία
της Μακεδονίας»
Δεν φτάνει που
έχουμε τα δικά μας και μας έχουν αμαυρώσει
ΑΠΟ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΟΥΣ, τώρα μας αμαύρωσαν και
ως ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΕΣ χωρίς καν να φταίμε
ή μήπως
έχουμε εμπλακεί και ΕΔΩ ΩΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΑΡΕΣ ;
Γιατί σαν κάτι να έχει πάρει το
μάτι μου στην ΣΕΛΙΔΑ 7, …..περί
και «GREEK
αλήθεια ποιοί είναι αυτοί
οι μάγκες;
για πόσα άλλα εκβιάζουν οι Γερμανοί
τους Έλληνες Προδότες Πολιτικούς αυτής
της χώρας ;
These News About FYROM sudden the Greeks through-out the Universe, more than the American will ever know will remain a Day in Infamy for eternity.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήOne Million Slavs who have the audacity to claim Macedonian ancestry and despite documentation from every authentic source through-out the civilized and well educated academics, Universities and governments who declared unequivocally that FYROM is just trying to hijack a name from Greece where Macedonia historically and geographically belonged for the last two thousand years to Greece, Mr Papademios, under the orders of his masters the Germans steps forward meats with the President of FYROM and gives them the Blessing (just as the Germans have ordered him)to ignore the Greek Parliament and the Greek Ministers and announce the acceptance of the Greek Nation agreeing with American and German decisions to recognize FYROM with its new name The Republic of Macedonia. Without even being voted by the people, Papadymios becomes a pretender prime minister and makes his own decisions. Well, Mr. Papdemios, I am here to tell you that what I feel for you is pure revulsion and I am sure the rest of the Greek population feel the same. I want to ask you one thing. When Alexander the Great marched against the Persians to take revenge for their warmongering against Greece, did he do it for a so called FYROM state that did not even exist at the time, or did he do it for Greece? You are supposedly an educated man so you should know your history. If you don't it is because you were paid millions of dollars to lose your memory! But, let me say this. You will not get away with the betrayal and genocide of the Greek people. All those that contributed to this genocide will be hunted down and brought to justice. You don't believe me? Let me refresh your sick memory you sociopath enemy of Greece. The Jews never forgot their torturers and killers and those that killed all six million of them. Years later they hunted down Eichman, caught up with him and brought him back to Israel where he was tried for crimes against humanity and hanged by the neck until he was dead.
My point? If I were a young man I would come looking for you and hunt you down like an animal and arrest you but would not bring you back to Greece to be tried. I would organize my own court out in the woods somewhere and would try you there and then. No preliminaries, no fanfare. Try you and hang you. Thus, humanity would become free of sickos like you that walk the earth like reptiles. But, you know what? Since I am not the one to do it because of my age and circumstances, there will be others who will take it upon themselves to do exactly that. So, do not think you can hide either in Greece or in the United States. You will be hunted down no matter where you are on this green earth and you will pay the price of your treasonous actions. And if you think that time is far away I have news for you. That time is now. Just remember, nothing is forever. You will eventually have to give up your position whether you like it or not and that's when you should start looking over your shoulder. Maybe Satan is now protecting you but eventually the darkness where you reside together with your satanic brothers and sisters, will give way to light. By the way, this is not wishful thinking. I have my sources and information but am not willing to give it away. All I am saying is, watch out you spawn of the devil.
One more thing. Remember Pinochet???? Remember the genocide he committed in Chile? That's all you have to remember. I think that's enough for now.
Again I am ordering those uninformed Germans and Americans to read the following document and maybe you will(if you have a drop of human trace in your soul) accept the massacre you have inflicted on the Greek People :
These News About FYROM sudden the Greeks through-out the Universe, more than the American will ever know will remain a Day in Infamy for eternity.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήOne Million Slavs who have the audacity to claim Macedonian ancestry and despite documentation from every authentic source through-out the civilized and well educated academics, Universities and governments who declared unequivocally that FYROM is just trying to hijack a name from Greece where Macedonia historically and geographically belonged for the last two thousand years to Greece, Mr Papademios, under the orders of his masters the Germans steps forward meats with the President of FYROM and gives them the Blessing (just as the Germans have ordered him)to ignore the Greek Parliament and the Greek Ministers and announce the acceptance of the Greek Nation agreeing with American and German decisions to recognize FYROM with its new name The Republic of Macedonia. Without even being voted by the people, Papadymios becomes a pretender prime minister and makes his own decisions. Well, Mr. Papdemios, I am here to tell you that what I feel for you is pure revulsion and I am sure the rest of the Greek population feel the same. I want to ask you one thing. When Alexander the Great marched against the Persians to take revenge for their warmongering against Greece, did he do it for a so called FYROM state that did not even exist at the time, or did he do it for Greece? You are supposedly an educated man so you should know your history. If you don't it is because you were paid millions of dollars to lose your memory! But, let me say this. You will not get away with the betrayal and genocide of the Greek people. All those that contributed to this genocide will be hunted down and brought to justice. You don't believe me? Let me refresh your sick memory you sociopath enemy of Greece. The Jews never forgot their torturers and killers and those that killed all six million of them. Years later they hunted down Eichman, caught up with him and brought him back to Israel where he was tried for crimes against humanity and hanged by the neck until he was dead.
My point? If I were a young man I would come looking for you and hunt you down like an animal and arrest you but would not bring you back to Greece to be tried. I would organize my own court out in the woods somewhere and would try you there and then. No preliminaries, no fanfare. Try you and hang you. Thus, humanity would become free of sickos like you that walk the earth like reptiles. But, you know what? Since I am not the one to do it because of my age and circumstances, there will be others who will take it upon themselves to do exactly that. So, do not think you can hide either in Greece or in the United States. You will be hunted down no matter where you are on this green earth and you will pay the price of your treasonous actions. And if you think that time is far away I have news for you. That time is now. Just remember, nothing is forever. You will eventually have to give up your position whether you like it or not and that's when you should start looking over your shoulder. Maybe Satan is now protecting you but eventually the darkness where you reside together with your satanic brothers and sisters, will give way to light. By the way, this is not wishful thinking. I have my sources and information but am not willing to give it away. All I am saying is, watch out you spawn of the devil.
One more thing. Remember Pinochet???? Remember the genocide he committed in Chile? That's all you have to remember. I think that's enough for now.
Again I am ordering those uninformed Germans and Americans to read the following document and maybe you will(if you have a drop of human trace in your soul) accept the massacre you have inflicted on the Greek People :